

Flavor text

The palace of Queen Rosalind was a place of royalty and divine beauty. Its rampart walls, adorned with gems and jewels, shone like the stars in the sky. And within its walls, the queen sat upon her throne, alluring and enchanting, with hair ornaments, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and armlets of gold, pearls, diamonds, and sapphires.

But there was one who caught the eye of the queen's guests, a seductive and erotic woman by the name of Sophia Lee. She wore diamonds as if they were mere trinkets and walked with a charming grace that entranced all those who gazed upon her.

The queen could not help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she watched Sophia's every move. She knew that her beauty could never compare to that of the alluring woman. And so, she began to plot her downfall.

One day, the queen called upon Sophia and asked her to retrieve a ruby from the far-off kingdom of Ravendale. Sophia accepted the task and set off on her journey, unaware of the queen's true intentions.

Weeks went by, and Sophia had not returned. The queen began to grow anxious, knowing that if Sophia were to return with the ruby, her plan would fail. And so, she sent out her soldiers to find Sophia and put an end to her once and for all.

Months went by, and the soldiers returned with news that Sophia had perished in the ramparts of a nearby castle. The queen feigned sadness but deep down knew that her plan had succeeded.

However, as time passed, strange things began to happen within the palace. The diamonds on the queen's jewelry began to dull, and the gold on her armlets began to rust. And every night, the sound of Sophia's voice could be heard echoing through the halls, her enchanting and seductive tone haunting the queen's dreams.

The queen knew then that her actions had consequences and that she would never be able to escape the alluring Sophia Lee. From that day on, the queen lived in constant fear, never able to forget the woman whose gems had once shone brighter than her own.



